Our Commitment:

  • SUPERIOR Products - The best, unique natural ingredients.
  • SUPERIOR Experience - You feel the effect instantly.
  • SUPERIOR Customer Service - Guaranteed results or your money back.

SUPERIOR RESULTS - Healthy and Happy Skin!

A message from the founder and regular user of OSYS® Naturals:

Like you, I endured pain, discomfort, embarrassment, frustration, sleepless nights, low self-esteem, and shed many tears due to my skin irritations. The pain was so excruciating that I couldn’t shave the irritated areas on my face and body. I felt my whole life was crumbling and didn’t understand why this was happening to me. As a professional in the health, fitness, and wellness industry, I did all the right things - healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly, and proper diet, but there was one major component missing - I was using the wrong products to combat my condition. I spent hundreds of dollars per month, using these products that caused more damage than good, due to their harsh and synthetic chemical contents. Most of these products are well known and established in major department stores and salons. I decided enough is enough and took control by researching the most effective, natural ingredients that will heal my condition.

After several years of research and personally using OSYS® Naturals and seeing significant improvement in my skin's appearance, I made a commitment to help others like you, who are experiencing similar horrific skin condition as I did. In 2000, I officially created OSYS® Naturals with the best quality and natural ingredients exceeding FDA standards. OSYS® Naturals healed my skin irritation along with many of my friends who were experiencing the same condition. OSYS® Naturals is part of my daily regimen. Currently my skin is smooth and healthy, OSYS® Naturals has restored my confidence, and has done the same for many people! I guarantee OSYS® Naturals will deliver the same superior results for you.

We all come from unique and different backgrounds, but we are united with similar pain we endure due to skin irritations. This makes us family within the universe! That is how I came up with name OSYS® - Our Skin Your Skin. It represents humanity through great products, education, sharing, love, and global awareness. Through my agony and challenges, I seek the Higher Power to prevent you, my brothers and sisters, from experiencing the same painful condition. This is my healing remedy.

Enjoy OSYS® Naturals in good health! Remember to love yourself, spread the love, and stay smooth!

~ FJP Richards, Founder and CEO

Have a Smooth Day!TM